A New Take on a More Traditional Experiential Marketing Vehicle

by | Mar 30, 2020 | Bicycle Shop

Marketing vehicles seem to be a dime a dozen in today’s market. Trucks and vans with vinyl logos or full-panel decals are becoming more and more common, as a result, these vehicles are becoming more and more overlooked by the public. If you’re looking to make your business stand out, especially in a highly populated area like dense city streets with heavy traffic, marketing cycles are a great way to go. If you run home deliveries of products, you can place your logo on these cycles and advertise, deliver products, and get noticed all at the same time. There are a variety of cycle options and cargo sizes to choose from, so you can customize your cycle to your needs.

These cycles also work wonders for outdoor business stalls, like food stands or even just as a sample area for outside your eatery. Since they’re mobile, you can even have your employees provide samples outside your shop’s immediate area, drawing business in from an even wider radius.

If your business doesn’t have a use for the cycles themselves, many cycles are used for transportation, and cycle companies often let you put your branding on their cycles. If you’re not looking to rent out advertising space like that, or if your business has a far more niche customer base to appeal to, there is also the option of customized cycles. These custom cycles can help turn heads and get people talking about your brand thanks to their unique look.

If you’re looking for something more outside the norm for an experiential marketing vehicle, reach out to marketing cycle companies for more options and quotes to find the best fit for your business. To know more, visit the website.

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