In today’s interconnected world, having access to the internet is a necessity. Anything and everything has changed over the past 20 years due to the ubiquity of smart devices and web-based business. Even the act of applying for employment or acceptance to many higher learning institutions requires some form of internet access. While many can do this without forethought, not everyone across the country has affordable or easy access to the web. Additionally, telecommunications access outside of the web can be a financial burden that many cannot afford; thankfully, due to a government program access to both online access, phone access and free smartphones are a possibility to those who need it most.
Thanks to the FCC’s Lifeline program, those in tight financial situations can now obtain internet/telecom services and devices, much of it free of charge. This can be a game-changing situation, especially in pandemic or other crisis situations, where some kind of interconnectivity is needed in many situations. If you already qualify for one of many assistance programs like SNAP benefits, Medicaid, Section 8, SSI, Veteran’s Pension, assorted programs on federal Tribal land and you meet income guidelines, you may be eligible already. Depending on your Lifeline provider, you may even be able to roll over your current phone number into a new free smartphone.