Key Reasons to Join a formal CBAP prep course

by | Sep 24, 2019 | Education and Training

CBAP certification aspirants ask, ‘Why should I join a formal CBAP prep course?’.

Let us give you 5 key reasons why you should join a formal CBAP prep course.

#1. It is humanly impossible to go through all the content available. And it is not necessarily reliable.

There is a plethora of free resources available online on CBAP certification. There is no way to check the quality of these available resources. You simply can’t spend your time on endless skimming of information to find the right resource.

This is where a formal prep course makes the difference. The course is designed by mentors and coaches having expertise in the BA field and full knowledge of CBAP certification. The experts spend a great amount of time and effort creating the content as required for CBAP and periodically review it and make changes as needed.

In fact, IIBA strongly recommends undergoing proper training from an EEP under a seasoned CBAP coach/mentor. This will help increase the chances of passing in the very first attempt and in the shortest possible time.

#2. Internet does not offer any support in clarifying doubts

In a formal prep course, you get a lot of help from the mentor/coach. You have the advantage of a mentor who can answer your queries and resolve your doubts.

The mentor is an expert in the BA field, one who is endorsed by and attached to IIBA and is usually one who is CBAP certified.

BABoK contains more than 200,000 words and close to 500 pages of dense documentation. The sheer size of BABoK makes understanding it without any faculty guidance difficult.

#3. Internet does not support you when you hit a wall with CBAP application process.

Another reason is that a formal CBAP prep course provides comprehensive support. They provide you with all the support you require, from filling up the form to your giving the exam. They form your support system throughout your preparation time.

Attending a formal course with an EEP will also give you the much-needed PD hours during the preparation process itself.

You also get tips and suggestions from past certified professionals which you can follow and improve your chances of succeeding in the first attempt.

#4. Internet based content is often dubious in quality.

When you prepare under a formal course, you get the benefit of curated content like study-guide, question banks, exam simulators, etc. Learning hours are reduced by 50% as an instructor ensures participants pay attention to the course.

#5. A self-managed process can be terribly slow, thus denying you many opportunities.

Statistics prove that participants of a prep course have a tendency to adhere to the set study plan and thus have a higher chance of success.

We hope these reasons give you ample information and aid you in making an informed decision of joining a formal CBAP prep course. Visit the website for more information.

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