Expecting parents typically put a lot of thought into preparations for their new arrival. Parents safeguard their homes, line up medical care, and try to educate themselves about the biggest dangers. However, modern medicine has added one more thing to watch out for – genetic disorders. Genetic disorders, such as X and Y chromosomal variations, aren’t anything new. The true innovation has come from researchers discovering how to test for and treat those disorders. The diagnosis was originally complicated by the fact that symptoms tended to only show up later in life as testosterone deficiencies interfered with development. Klinefelter syndrome specialists can now detect the problem early on and begin testosterone deficiency treatment before most symptoms have begun to manifest. Healthcare professionals can essentially step in to provide a child with the compounds his body isn’t producing on its own. Prenatal testing means that parents can even prepare before their child is born.
A prenatal diagnosis might sound worrisome at first. But it’s what allows you to protect your baby before the condition has a chance to bring along the major symptoms. Klinefelter syndrome specialists are often able to begin the testosterone deficiency treatment as early as four to twelve months when using early hormonal treatment (EHT). This can be continued with a hormonal booster treatment (HBT) administered when a boy is between five and eight years old. In short, there are treatment options for X and Y chromosomal variations. You can schedule a consultation with The Focus Foundation through thefocusfoundation.org.