Critical Reasons to Have Your Air Conditioner Serviced Every Year

by | Aug 29, 2019 | HVAC Contractor

When the weather turns warm, you think nothing of turning on the switch to your home’s air conditioner. You expect this system to work properly and to keep your home cool all summer long. However, your air conditioner can only work as well as you take care of it. By hiring contractors who specialize in seasonal AC maintenance in Santa Clarita, you can head off problems that can make your entire air conditioner useless.

Filling Up the Freon

When you run your air conditioner all summer long, you use up a significant portion of the Freon in its cooling system. This coolant is vital for cooling the air that the unit draws into it. Without it, the air that is blown out into your home would be warm and humid. It can be nearly impossible for you to find out how much coolant is in your air conditioner without hiring someone who specializes in AC maintenance in the Santa Clarita area. You might not even know how to properly take off the exterior casing to your AC unit to check the level of Freon in it. A professional contractor, however, can inspect the Freon level and refill it as necessary. He or she can also make sure that there is enough Freon to get through the remainder of the summer.

Changing Out the Filters

You also need to change out the filters on your AC unit every season. However, as someone who is not well-versed in how AC units work, you might not know where the filters are located. You also may not be aware that you have to change the filters both inside and outside of the ventilation system. A contractor can change out your filters for you every year. This maintenance task ensures that your system blows out cold air and that the air is humidified and clean.

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