Examine the Requirements for Residency When Moving Abroad From Texas

by | Jan 14, 2021 | Legal

If you are thinking about moving abroad, you need to closely examine the requirements for residency that need to be met in the country you wish to move to. Some individuals will go through a process where they will get a tourist visa in the country, stay for the valid amount of time, leave the country, and then enter the country on a new tourist visa. While this may work a couple of times, it is not a good long-term option.

Continually renewing a tourist visa may set off red flags with the country where you would like to reside. After renewing the tourist visa several times, the country may not allow you to enter again. Also, leaving the country several times can be expensive and can disrupt your schedule.

Find out which documents are needed when applying for residency in a foreign country. You will likely need several documents from your country of origin. If you are from the United States, you may need your birth certificate, passport, driver’s license, police record, and marriage certificate when applying for residency in another country. Some of these may need Apostille from Secretary Of State.

It is possible to request an apostille from Secretary Of State through the mail or in person. There is a small see that needs to be paid in order to get this seal. You may need to have some documents collected from the country you would like to reside in, like property ownership documents, a police record, or utility bills.

Learn how US Authentication Services handles document certification for corporate and personal documents by visiting their website at https://www.usauthentication.com/

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