The term organic seems to be everywhere, and many companies and supermarkets are getting in on the action. Therefore, many people believe it is much easier to buy organic garlic now than ever before. The only problem is that you don’t necessarily know where the garlic comes from, such as the location or the farm. You also can’t be positive that it is organic, which means it was grown without using synthetic fertilizers and chemicals. Therefore, it is best to purchase your garlic directly from an organic farm, ensuring that you know exactly where it comes from and how it is produced.
Consider Options Carefully
When buying garlic, you’ve got two choices. You can purchase it from a farm directly or from a supermarket/grocery store. Buying from the store may seem like the best option at first, but it comes with a lot of uncertainty. Most supermarkets rarely have more than one type of garlic available, so you have a very limited choice.
If you want organic products, it’s best to purchase it at a farm. If you have no such farms in your area or prefer not to drive anywhere, you can go online. Many farms have websites and sell their goods through their website. You can learn more about the various types of garlic available and choose new or different ones to try and experience.
The Farm
While some people can’t purchase anything without knowing its source, you may not want to travel to the farm itself. Their website should give you more insight into what they do and how they run. For example, family-run farms are likely to show photos of the whole family working or playing hard. It gives you a better idea of who is handling your garlic and what they do. Visit Thousand Hills Heritage Farm for more information.