Learn About Dachua Concentration Camp From A Survivor

by | Feb 4, 2021 | Education and Training

Decades ago, a city in southern Germany, Dachau, became the first Nazi concentration camp. Dachau Survivor was also considered to be the blueprint for other concentration camps in the region. Thousands perished at this concentration camp, many of whom died from execution, disease, and malnutrition. Dachau is a piece of history no one will ever forget. Perhaps you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the tragedies that happened in Dachau but do not know where or who to turn to. Here are two reasons why you the Zachor Holocaust Remembrance Foundation website is a great start.

Founded by a Survivor

One of the main reasons why you should visit this particular foundation in Las Vegas is that this foundation was founded by a survivor of Dachau. Ben Lesser was liberated from Dachau in April 1945. He shares his first hand experience of the journey there and what it was like finally being liberated.

Learning Center

Another reason why you should visit their website is that not only will you be able to hear testimonials from the founder and other survivors, but it is also a learning center. This means you will have access to an exhibit as well as the opportunity to express what the Holocaust means to you.

Where To Visit

The Zachor Holocaust Remembrance foundation is dedicated to preserving the memories of the Holocaust and educating the future generations using firsthand experiences. Visit them at https://www.zachorfoundation.org today.

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