Your Guide to Cleaner Carpets with Common Household Tricks

by | Jan 9, 2019 | Cleaning Services

Looking for ways to keep your carpets clean and fresh this year? Here are some insider tips from industry experts:

Don’t Rub Stains into Your Carpet

It may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many people clean up spills incorrectly when it comes to carpeting. If you notice a spill on a carpeted surface, gently blot it up with an absorbent towel. Do not rub or press the substance into the carpet fibers. This will only worsen the stain and make it more difficult to remove later.

Shave the Stains Off

Did you know that common shave cream will often take stains out of carpeting? Just apply a thick layer of the common household foam to your stained area and wait about thirty minutes. Wipe the area with a dry cloth and blot any remaining moisture away. This carpet cleaning trick takes out many of the most common types of carpet stains with little hassle.

Change the Temperature

Some spills are harder to get out of carpet fibers because of their physical or chemical composition. Two examples are gum that might have been dropped or tracked in on a shoe, or candle wax that may have been dripped or spilled when a table was bumped. Both of these harden to a difficult texture to remove from carpet fibers with typical measures.

So, what can you do to get these substances off your carpeted floors? Change the temperature! Use a towel and a steam iron to melt and loosen wax until it can be easily wiped away. Use ice cubes to freeze and harden gum so that it can be pried loose.

If necessary, cut carpet fibers to free the gum or wax, but do so carefully so as not to damage the carpet. The spot shouldn’t be noticeable – but your smooth, clean carpet will definitely look between without the stain!

For more help with keeping your carpets clean, know when to call in a pro. Contact the experts at Joe’s Carpet Cleaning – your Edmond, OK carpet cleaning professionals – for service that will make your home look and feel fresher every day.

Click here for the best Carpet Cleaning Services in Edmond, OK.

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