Cupolas and Weathervanes to Help You See the Way the Wind Blows

by | Mar 19, 2021 | Home and Garden

Wind vanes and cupolas give a home that feeling of belonging. They can add a whimsical feel or one of tradition and style. They come in so many shapes and sizes that you can adorn your rooftop, garage, gazebo, or any structure you feel is fitting.

Differences Between a Windvane and a Cupola

They so often come together that you might not know which one is which. The larger part can look like a mini gazebo. They come in almost any size you want. The ones offered by Annapolis Weathervanes and Cupolas are about as tall as an adult male and bigger around than his arms can fit. They come in three parts for ease of packing and shipping as well as lifting to the desired rooftop.

The weathervane is the decoration on top of the cupola that often has a rooster. There is an arrow that spins in the direction the wind is blowing. The historical meaning behind weathervanes is varied. Weathervanes have always told which way the wind is blowing regardless of when they were used and for what reason.

Styles of Weathervanes and Cupolas

The main section can be built with little windows in them or shutters. The domes can be pointed or rounded. They can come in shades of brown, white or mixed.

The weathervanes are perhaps the most personalized aspect of the set. You can have one custom made to your liking in barnyard fashion or specifically for a golf enthusiast, hunter, sailor, hot-air balloonist, and many others.


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