Deciding When a Youngster Is Ready for Cosmetic Dentistry in Park Ridge

by | May 16, 2022 | Dental Health

By the time children become adolescents, they may already be asking parents for cosmetic improvements to their teeth. Whether or not a practitioner of cosmetic dentistry in Park Ridge will provide the service sometimes depends on the person’s age. Whitening and veneers are examples of improvements kids might ask for. Sometimes it’s better to wait.

Stained Teeth

Adolescent teeth may have already lost some whiteness if the youngster has certain eating and drinking habits. Most people in this age group aren’t daily coffee drinkers, but the occasional high school student has already developed the habit. Like coffee, dark tea and soda also gradually stain enamel. The same is true for dark fruit juices like grapes and cherries. Brightly colored popsicles and chewy candy also can cause this problem when consumed regularly.


Preteens may feel distressed if their teeth have become a bit yellowish compared with other kids they know. Whitening treatments may be appealing. Practitioners of cosmetic dentistry in Park Ridge typically advise these patients to wait until age 14 or older. They want to be sure all the adult teeth, except for the wisdom teeth, are fully grown in and the pulp has finished forming.

Covering a Chip

A porcelain veneer can cover a chip that the youngster feels detracts from the smile’s attractiveness. After removing a thin layer of enamel from the front of the tooth, the dentist adheres the veneer there. Now, the tooth looks normal again.

Parents interested in allowing an adolescent to have cosmetic dentistry may contact Beyond Smiles of Park Ridge to learn about a clinic providing these services.

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