Easy to Install JK Front Adjustable Track Bar

by | Aug 12, 2022 | Automotive

A JK front adjustable track bar will locate the front axle in a link suspension system. It will reinforce your stock track bar. It adds adjustability and flexibility. Stock track bars are quickly worn out from off-roading. A car’s axle supports the weight of the vehicle and rotates the tires. Every time you drive your vehicle, the axle experiences wear and tear. When you are driving off-road or in dense terrain, the axle works harder to rotate the tires. A weakened axle can cause various sounds such as knocking and clicking noises. It may cause your vehicle to “vibrate” when you drive it. A front adjustable track bar will improve driveability.

The Cost

A JK front adjustable track bar cost between two and four hundred dollars. The part is very affordable. You will notice the cost of a track bar slightly increases when it is ordered at a mechanic or dealer’s shop. Every mechanic must make a profit. It will cost between four and six hundred dollars for professional installation (including the part).

Alignment and Suspension

An adjustable track bar orientates or “locates” your vehicle. The track bar ensures proper alignment and geometry. It improves suspension and steering. A vehicle’s alignment assures that the tires are meeting the road at a proper angle. If your vehicle is out of alignment, your tires will experience more wear and tear. You will notice the ride is no longer “smooth.” An adjustable track bar will ensure proper alignment and promote better gas mileage.

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