When it comes to buying a home there are many choices to make. For starters, to even reach the point where you can think about a purchase you need good credit, a certain amount of cash for a down payment and a solid history of income. For some, at this point it is the ultimate dream to buy Land for Sale Montana and build a home from scratch as opposed to buying a home that has already been established. If this is the route you are interested in proceeding with to get into a home, take notes on a few key things to know about buying land.
For starters, a famous misnomer in the industry is that you can buy land for Sale Montana and that property can be used as collateral in a building loan. While this is a popular saying among many lenders and builders for that matter, it is not quite so easy. Any lender that is used for a building loan will still need to see that you have enough liquidity somewhere in your portfolio to take care of a builder or certain other necessities so that there is not a lien on the property before you even have a chance to move in.
Next, as with any advice in the real estate market, location is of number one concern. Look for both the community and what is has to offer as well as the land you are buying and if it has the requirements you want. Is water on the property a big deal for you? If so, do you share that water with others such as communal rights? In some cases it is best to be one of the last builders in an area as opposed to the first so that these issues have been settled and better yet, you already know who your neighbors are.
For instance you will want the standard inspections run on the property so that you know the title history and more importantly the potable water situation in and around the property. This will be discovered through the normal escrow period any real estate transaction goes through.