The Basics Of Retirement Planning

by | Aug 24, 2021 | Financial Advisor

Working with Matt Dixon, a Registered Financial Consultant, makes retirement planning easy. A Registered Financial Consultant works with each individual or couple to create a custom retirement plan that fits their needs and current financial picture. The plan also considers what they want to do and enjoy during their retirement years.

This is very different from working through a book on how to plan for your retirement. Each person in Greenville, SC, has different goals, financial realities, and potential challenges in saving for retirement. Expecting that a book or even an online course could provide a specific and tailored plan to meet everyone’s needs is a mistake.

Getting Started

Experienced financial consultants like Matt Dixon have a structured approach to working with clients. The first step in the process is to explore and determine just what you want to do in retirement. This includes the age you want to retire as well as how much you need to live comfortably at that time. This will be very different if you want to stay in Greenville, SC, in a home you own or if you want to take a year to travel around the world.

Evaluating Options

This step is critical as Matt Dixon works with you to see the big picture of your current financial situation, what you can do to add to your savings, and also to completely understand your retirement needs. Without this step, planning is hit and miss at best.

Providing a customized retirement planning strategy is the final step. This plan is the blueprint to your financial well-being throughout your retirement years.

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