Once upon a time, your only choice for smoke alarms were stand-alone units. While they work well, there’s a better choice today. You can invest in linked smoke alarms that are connected via a wireless signal. What makes them a better choice? Here are some points to consider.
When One Sounds They All Sound
Having linked smoke alarms means that everyone knows immediately that there’s smoke in some part of the house. This is especially helpful when the home is larger and it’s difficult to hear the alarm in the kitchen when you happen to be in an upstairs bedroom. Since everyone is altered so quickly, it’s much easier to make it to the nearest exit without any delays. Those couple of extra seconds could make a big difference.
Many Models Tell You Where the Smoke Happens to Be
Many linked smoke alarms today include an audio feature that tells you where the fire has broken out. There’s no checking room after room trying to find out where the problem is or how bad it happens to be. You know immediately it’s in the den and can decide what to do next.
They Have Excellent Battery Lives
Since the signal is wireless, there’s no need to install additional wiring to supply the alarms with power. Thanks to superior battery life, you can get by nicely without any type of direct connection to the home’s electrical system. If you do want to connect them to the home wiring, there are models with hardwire adaptors that make it easy. Best of all, you still have the battery power to use as a backup when the main power source is off.
Are you ready to update your residential smoke alarms? The team at First Alert, Inc. can help. Call today or visit Website.com for more information. You’ll like what you see.