Many small businesses face a challenge when they try to choose a web hosting option. The two concerns are the need for experience in IT to manage a server, and the amount of money the company can realistically afford to pay for the hosting service as well as the IT professionals that are required.
For many small businesses, and even medium to large sized companies with a small to moderate online presence, a dedicated virtual server hosting package, often known as a VPS hosting plan, is the best option. This hosting plan takes into account the two issues mentioned above while still offering all the benefits and features the majority of companies ever require.
Shared Hosting and VPS Differences
A dedicated virtual server hosting is a middle option between a shared hosting service and dedicated or private server. Shared hosting allows multiple websites to use the same server, with most of the resources shared. This means your website can experience slowdowns if another website on the server is heavily used. It can also impact security for data on your site or even impact your websites online reputation with customers.
VPS or Virtual Private Servers or dedicated virtual server hosting packages have some core shared server elements, but the limited number of websites hosted on the server are separate and apart from each other. This is done through virtualization Technology or making separate “servers” that have their own dedicated resources on the one physical server.
This offer a moderately priced, fully managed package for a business. They are easy to use and manage, and all basic security, maintenance, and management of the server is completed by the hosting company. The hosting company also provides technical support, helping companies to manage any problems and address technical issues as part of the service cost, which keeps the hosting package within the budget. Browse the site for more information.