The ACA now allow you to obtain health insurance a couple of times every year. You can also get it under special circumstances that otherwise leave you without coverage.
However, it can be vital for you to know when and how to access new policies. You can use several helpful tips to utilize the Affordable Care Act health insurance enrollment in Atlanta, GA.
Open Enrollment Periods
Under normal circumstances, you can enroll in and buy new coverage a couple of times of year. You must wait for the open enrollment periods to open before you can submit an application and find out for what policies you are eligible.
If you submit an application outside of open enrollment periods, you may have it put on hold until the next period opens. You would have to go without coverage until that time.
However, there are exceptions to the open enrollment periods. You can submit an application and get new coverage if you lose your existing policy because of losing your job. You can also submit an application and get ready access if you age out or no longer meet the income eligibility for state or federal subsidized health insurance, such as Medicaid.
These tips can help you access the Affordable Care Act health insurance enrollment in Atlanta, GA. You may have further questions, however, that you want answered. You can contact Georgia Health Insurance Marketplace by going to for information.