Top Reasons Why a Metal Roof Is Your Best Option in Fort Collins

by | Jan 20, 2022 | Metal Supplier

There are several different materials from which you can choose for the roof of your house. However, most building experts and contractors agree that the best material you can choose from a roofing supply in Fort Collins CO, is metal.


This is probably the benefit that is listed most often. When it comes to lasting a long time, there is nothing that beats a metal roof. An asphalt shingle roof can only last about 10 years while a traditional metal roof can last as long as 50 years. If you spend the extra money on a copper or zinc roof, it can last for over 100 years before needing to be replaced.

Very Lightweight

While it may seem like the opposite is true, metal roofs are actually very lightweight when compared to their alternatives. In fact, they can weigh up to 2/3 less than a traditional shingle roof when measured by the square foot. Due to their being light in weight, they are able to be installed more quickly than roofs built with other materials.


The last thing that you want your roof to do is cave in because it is holding too much water or snow. Metal from a roofing supply in Fort Collins, CO, is the perfect material to quickly shed these elemental annoyances because they simply do not stick to the roof as can happen with asphalt roofs.

When buying metal roofing material from a supplier, make sure they stand behind their products with some kind of warranty or guarantee.

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